APIMS - API Maintenance Systems
APIMS stands for API Maintenance Systems
Here you will find, what does APIMS stand for in Software under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate API Maintenance Systems? API Maintenance Systems can be abbreviated as APIMS What does APIMS stand for? APIMS stands for API Maintenance Systems. What does API Maintenance Systems mean?API Maintenance Systems is an expansion of APIMS
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Alternative definitions of APIMS
- Air Program Information Management System
- Aerospace Physiology Information Management System
- Association of Presbyterian Interim Ministry Specialists
- Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- AP Intelligent Mail Switch
- Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectroscopy
- Atmospheric Pressure Ionisation Mass Spectrometer
View 10 other definitions of APIMS on the main acronym page
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- AGWS AG West Supply
- AWSC Arizona Wholesale Supply Company
- ACME American College of the Middle East
- ABCTPT ABC Teachers Part of Tes
- ACOS Aids Care Ocean State
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- ACG Apostolic Church of God
- AIA Apollo Insurance Agency
- AVO Audio Visual One